Check Six, Inc. is a company with a diverse background in organizational execution, operational efficiency, continuous improvement and risk management systems. Our consultants bring decades of comprehensive experience in leadership, aircraft carrier operations, Six Sigma Lean, combat strike execution, NASA Space Shuttle operations, high performance flight testing, continuous improvement processes, Training Systems creation, and aviation and Naval safety systems. We bring a truly unique perspective to complex problems. Check Six provides solutions to organizations requiring high performance, high reliability operations by leveraging the talent, expertise, experience and innovation of our team. Let us show you how we can improve your teamwork, help your sales force, attack a complicated problem, or evaluate whether your team is executing your current processes to their maximum potential. We focus on your most valuable asset, your people and design and provide innovative and exciting training.
Address and map location
Headquarters:1922 Hwy 22 West Suite A Madisonville, LA 70447 United States
Around: Madisonville Harbor, Port of New Orleans, Port of Slidell, Port of St. Bernard , St Rose
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