CECO PSC is a full service of pipeline maintenance company headquartered in Birmingham, Alabama. CECO PSC has been providing a variety of services to gas transmission companies in Alabama, Tennessee, Mississippi and Georgia. Services include pipeline replacement and repair, upgrading meter stations, pigging, erosion control, marking and locating pipelines, mechanical services, right-of-way mowing and clearing, pipeline coating, grounds and maintenance.
Address and map location
Headquarters:5892 Service Rd Birmingham, AL 35235 United States
United States, North America
Around: Port of Cordova, Port of Decatur, Port of Guntersville, Port of Montgomery, Port of TuscaloosaRonald Wiggins, Jr. PO Box 505 Trussville, AL 35173 United States
United States, North America
Around: Port of Cordova, Port of Decatur, Port of Guntersville, Port of Montgomery, Port of TuscaloosaMark Hotze 5440 Alder Houston, TX 77081 United States
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