The use of ultrasound to determine bolt tension supplies data that can be used to achieve a leak free start-up and prevent in-service failures of dynamic joints.
The technology to measure bolt tension was first developed for the Apollo space missions. It provides the ability to see the real tension that a bolt retains after tightening and has been used to solve a multitude bolted joint problems ranging from formula 1 racing cars to turbine couplings
Boltstress Ultrasonics has been involved in the development and use of the ultrasonic bolt tension measurement technology since June 1991. Boltstress Ultrasonics offers supply of ultrasonic bolt tension monitoring systems and consultative on and off site services.
Ultrasonic bolt tension measurement
We supply services and products to measure bolt tension, bolt stress, elongation or strain. This gives insight into true joint performance and aids solution determination by using real (not assumed) data. Our core business is the measurement of bolt tension, we do this using our either our own equipment or the client’s to eliminate:
Critical bolted joint failure
Costly downtime
Potential safety hazards
Guess work
Although our focus is on measurement, our findings normally lead to corrective actions. To facilitate this we offer to supply the required tightening equipment to make necessary adjustments. Wherever an application can not be solved using standard torque or tensioning product, we design and source special equipment.
Specialised tightening systems expertise
Boltstress personnel have been involved in thousands of tightening system applications. This has lead to an in-depth knowledge of the many tightening methods and specialised tool design to solve problems. Consequently, we can often offer methods and technologies unfamiliar to many engineers.
Our technicians are fully trained in the use of the Boltstress G5, the Dakota Minimax, the Dakota MAX, the Boltscope 1 and 2, the Boltmike 1, 2 and 3, the Norbar USM 1 and 2 and the Raymond Bolt Gauge.
Bolted joint performance condition monitoring
After using Ultrasonics to ensure original joint integrity, our products and services may also be used to monitor on-going joint performance in service, without disturbing the joint.
To ensure plant reliability we also offer re-monitoring service, this includes tabulating and graphing results for analysis allowing clients and OEM's to make informed decisions to improve equipment up time.
Experience based consultancy
Our consultancy service uses the combined strengths of our technology and practical experience to recommend solutions. Application for Bolstress Ultrasonics technology and expertise include: mills, heat exchanger and pressure vessels, slew ring bearing, valves, and turbines.
Address and map location
Headquarters:Boltstress Ultrasonics Pty Ltd, 25 Alexander Drive, Menora, WA 6050, Australia
Australia, Oceania
Around: Casuarina Boat Harbour, Mandurah Ocean Marina, Port Kennedy, Port Kwinana, Port of Fremantle (Perth)
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