Bell & Murphy and Associates LLC (BMA) (BMA) was formed April 1964 in Corpus Christi and moved to Dallas in October 1964. The sole purpose is to provide petroleum exploration, exploitation and production services to the petroleum industry. Such services include project planning, evaluation and execution. Planning services include advice on project design, bid tenders, evaluation of bids and contractor selections. Evaluation and execution includes quality control of data acquisition, quality control of data processing and interpretation of the results thereof. Final interpretation integrates all geological, geophysical, petrophysical and engineering data in the form of depth and isopach maps and attendant graphs, tabulation and cross section within a comprehensive written report appropriately bound for presentation to the clients and their partners.
Address and map location
Headquarters:5310 Harvest Hill Rd. Dallas Dallas, TX 75230 United States
Around: Port Shreveport Bossier, Port of Bienville, Port of Deer Park, Port of Texport, Port of Texport
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