A non profit Registered Training Organisation providing short course and distance education training for Workplace Health & Safety, Risk Management, Quality Assurance, Environmental Protection, Business Improvement, Customer Service, Tourism & Hospitality. AT&SI; also provides consultancy services in these areas and has Corporate Memberships available that offer large discounts and a free advice service.
Address and map location
Headquarters:Level 1 433 Logan Rd Stones Corner, 4120 Australia
Around: Port Colmslie , Port Pinkenba , Port West (Clunies Flats) , Port of Brisbane, Portside Wharf - BrisbaneChris Cashman (07) (07) Level 1 - 433 Logan Rd Stones Corner, 4120 Australia
Around: Port Colmslie , Port Pinkenba , Port West (Clunies Flats) , Port of Brisbane, Portside Wharf - Brisbane
Business categories
Training & DevelopmentQuality ManagementSafety
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