Armstrong Transport is a non-asset based provider of logistics, consulting,and transportation services through out North America,Mexico and Canada. We are a team of dedicated employees and a premiere network of independent agents. By utilizing Armstrong Transport, customers gain many benefit including comoetitive pricing,flexibility and years of transportation experieance.
Our specialty is to provide full truckload services for customers who have equipment needs for Dry,Van,Refridgerated,Flat-Beds or Step-Deck equipment. Our continuing goal is to aggressively match our customer's needs with the many services of our select carrier partners.
Address and map location
Headquarters:88 Wilkenson Court Concord, NC 28025 United States
United States, North America
Around: Port of Georgetown, Port of Wilmington, Southport Pier, Sunny Point Terminal, Wrightsville Beach
Business categories
TransportationTruckingFreight Forwarders
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Contact Armstrong Transportation Group,Inc
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