AFC International, Inc. is a distributor and representative of gas detection instrumentation, air sampling equipment and respiratory protection. We specialize in portable and fixed point toxic and combustible monitors, gas analyzers and calibration accessories. You will find products for safety and health, industrial hygiene, environmental, hazmat, and many other applications. Some of the manufacturers represented by AFC are Advanced Calibration Designs, ATI Analytical Technology, BIOS International, Draeger Safety, Inc., GMD/Bacharach, Inc., Gasco, Grimm Technologies, Imaging & Sensing Technology, KD Engineering, K&M; Environmental, Lumidor Scientific Corp., Rae Systems, Spectrex Corp., Zefon International and many others. We have serviced industies for 12 years now and are very proud of the knowledge and support of our staff.
Address and map location
Headquarters:PO Box 894 715 SW Almond Street DeMotte, IN 46310 United States
Around: Buffington Harbor, Calumet Harbor, Gary Harbor, Michigan City Harbor, Port of Indiana-Burns HarborSarah Ingram 800 PO Box 894 715 SW Almond Street Suite C DeMotte, IN 46310 United States
Around: Buffington Harbor, Calumet Harbor, Gary Harbor, Michigan City Harbor, Port of Indiana-Burns Harbor
Business categories
Environmental & SafetyFire Fighting
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