We specialize in tags for use in offshore, marine, & industrial environments. Control panel graphics, tags for electrical and pneumatic products, machinery labeling, and tags for offshore vessels and petro chemical refineries constitute the majority of our product applications. We offer a complete line of custom produced tags that are manufactured to your specifications. Our products are UV stable and sutiable for exterior use. We can manufacture individual tags up to a size of 24" X 48" in a wide range of colors. We can drill mounting holes and offer double stick tape to assist in installation. We have experience in production of dual language tags. There is no minimum order size.
Address and map location
Headquarters:7209 Hillcrest Drive New Iberia, LA 70560 United States
United States, North America
Around: Port of Geismar, Port of Greater Baton Rouge, Port of Iberia, Port of Morgan City, Port of South Louisiana (St.James Parish)
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