Advanced Geotechnology Inc. (AGI) is a petroleum engineering and geoscience consulting, training and software development firm located in Calgary, Canada. We specialize in Petroleum Geomechanics applications to a wide range of international exploration, drilling, completions, stimulation, reservoir monitoring, compaction, and waste management problems. AGI sells a state-of-the-art software program called STABView for conducting borehole stability, lost circulation and sand production risk analyses. AGI also offers short courses and technology transfer in Practical Rock Mechanics, Fractured Reservoir Characterization, and Sand Production and Control.
Address and map location
Headquarters:1540, 521 - 3rd Ave SW Calgary, Alberta, T2P 3T3 Canada
Canada, North America
Around: Canyon Creek Harbour, Faust Harbour, Port of Pend Oreille
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