Accurate Measurement Controls, Inc. (an ASME Coded Company), has been a leader in the oil & gas measurement industry since 1992. Throughout the years, we have built a reputation of outstanding quality in products and services. With over 30 years of experience, our team is prepared to exceed expectations. Our engineers are devoted to providing the most dependable measurement equipment on the market. Located in Broussard, LA, our current facility was built in 2004, and expanded in 2009. All of our projects are designed, fabricated, and assembled in-house. Please explore our Products and Services sections to learn more! If in need of immediate assistance, Call 1-800-456-1453.
Address and map location
Headquarters:P.O. Box 268 1138 Wall Rd Broussard, LA 70518 United States
United States, North America
Around: Port of Geismar, Port of Greater Baton Rouge, Port of Iberia, Port of Morgan City, Port of South Louisiana (St.James Parish)
Business categories
Fabrication & ConstructionProductionProduction Equipment
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