A & A Machine & Fabrication provides precision machining and fabrication as a full service ASME code fabrication and machine facility or shop. We offer repair, maintenance and new manufacturing services. we also meet customers needs in skid fabrication, pressure vessel fabricating services, piping services, industrial welding services, pressure vessel repairs, rotary and diverter valve repairs and emergency after hours and 24 hour repairs. We have over 50 years of experience and we're always available and intent on meeting our customers needs with uncommon service.
Address and map location
Headquarters:P.O. Box 219 La Marque, TX 77568-0219 United States
United States, North America
Around: Barbours Cut Container Terminal, Port of Baytown, Port of Galveston, Port of Jacintoport, Port of Texas City
Business categories
Machine ShopsPipingPressure Vessels
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