Location details
business opportunities: Indian Exim Corporation 138.0km
- Timezone:
- GMT+6 (Feb 07, 12:22)
- Country:
- Bangladesh, Asia
- Currency:
- Phone:
- +880 4662 75200 (Open Skype)
- Phone:
- +880 41 762331 (Open Skype)
- Fax:
- +880 4662 75224
- E-mail:
- mpa@bttb.net.bd
- Web site:
- http://mpa.gov.bd/
- Chief Executive Officer
- Name: Commodore M Abul Kalam Azad (G) Ndc, Psc, BN
E-mail: chairman@mpa.gov.bd
Phone: 1714-287577
Port details
- Wiki:
- Contribute to wiki
- Anchorage depth:
- 6.4m - 7.6m
- Cargo pier depth:
- 4.9m - 6.1m
- Oil terminal depth:
- N/A
- Dry dock:
- N/A
- Harbor size:
- Small
- Railway size:
- N/A
- Harbor type:
- River Natural
- Max size:
- Up to 500 feet in length
- Repairs:
- Limited
- Shelter:
- Fair
Coordinates: 22°28′0.00″N 89°35′60.00″E